i had let our plants die
when i left in that piece of shit truck 
they no longer mattered
day after day i watched them dry up
lean and strain under the stress
of lacking what they needed.
with much pity but little remorse
i ignored them
i remember you watering them
in the mornings
your bra was whatever colour it was
and your hair was whatever colour it was
and all that sentimental shit
that no longer matters
(i don't wish them to either, i suppose)
it was summer
or spring
it no longer matters
we loved each other then
i think
they still remind me of you
that fucking bamboo one, too. 
how i had desperately wanted them to go
gone forever because it no longer mattered.
but their still alive
and i've grown to like their stubbornness
they don't give a shit
because to them you never mattered. 

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