heres to romance and never knowing why it hurts like hell.

the worst part is
you've already let me go
or at least pretend to
but i don't give a shit
cause i'm not ready to forget you
i guess thats whats so hard
about saying goodbye
like jumping off an edge
once its done all you can do is fall away
and just let it go.
and i can feel my bones
straining under the weight of it all.
how do people live like this
waiting for tomorrow to pass
maybe for them theres a thousand tomorrows
or three thousand or ten
so much time they can bathe in it.
but for some theres only today
and a day without (my) lips on (your) skin
is a day wasted.
and if the man who once upon a time had been a boy
had promised to never fall in love
with any other fragile frame of a girl
as long as he lived
and he kept that promise despite it all
it wasn't because he was stubborn or bitter
he just couldn't help it.
